Sunday, January 18, 2009

Figments of Ali’s imagination

I crouched on my knees and mustered all the courage to open my eyes and peek at the creature under the couch. I knew the creature behind the bookcase was in its turn peeking on me. I look at the people seated on the couch, oblivious to what resides under it, their eyebrows arching at my unacceptable behavior. My mother refuses to believe a word I say since the creature under the stairs had broke her favorite perfume bottle. I don’t blame her, it’s not her fault that she don’t see it .After all, these creatures materialize only to me.
My parents accepted that their eldest and only son, their pride, the apple of their eye,- had an openly wild imagination and was frightened by what they called the “imaginary monsters”, but they could never accept the fact that my dear creatures were behind the loss of their car keys, the breakage of their sunglasses and the flight of our parrot.
“Ali” my father would say, strictly. “You have to stop this. You’re a big boy now”
Four years. Since I emerged from Mama’s womb and into their world..Four a big boy..
My creatures don’t have a physical form until my mind has settled on what it was that they looked like. The creature inside the closet have a very long steel nose made of jeans zippers. ..its eyes- made of shirt buttons- are always sad and sinking down. The creature under the stairs- Mr Indomi- has no definite start or end. A bundle of shoe laces sharp on every tip. Multiple weapons..multiple weapons..
The creature under the kitchen sink is very loud. I never got really close before it started hollering.. BANG BANG BANG..
They evolve creatures..constantly..
I think it, they have it..the power of my mind fuel them..
Recklessness has no place..
Once I thought of razor blades shooting from Mr indomi’s laces..and
There I was, being dragged under the stairs by a bundle of laces, a low growl emitting from its anonymous throat, showering me with razors..
I never thought next to the stairs ever again..


Imaginary monsters, never cease to bore me, and a brass zipper for a mouth . . I absolutely heart

You should absolutely read Coraline by Neil Gaiman if you haven't already

Oh i should! i just checked it out on amazon and it seems very interesting..reminded me of the arabic novel " thmanoon 3aman ba7thn 3an makhrj " somehow..i would never guessed what it is about from the cover lool, so dark and black!
Thanks for passing by <3

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