Saturday, January 10, 2009

Izzie stevens..

The day she chose the perfect dress. The day her heart skipped a beat. The day she found him on that hospital bed. cold and pale. What had been a joyous day, full of prom lights and beautiful gowns had turned to a flood of pain, heartache and tears.. One minute he was asking her to be his wife and the next he was white without a single hint of life.
Reality is what it was.
I was in that room once. Another time another universe. Except. Izzie arrived at the end. I missed the end.

I knew that she was drowning. She tried to scream, but no sound emerged from her dry lips.. Only desperate silent cries for help, for release.. Her eyes were blinking rapidly, her tears falling unnoticed..her voice..a whisper. filled with agonizing pain. She was trapped inside her own body. My limbs suddenly became so heavy; my legs betrayed me, not allowing me to reach her. I could only feel her slipping away slowly.

Temperance brennan

The day she exited the courthouse, unable to bring herself to hear her father's verdict. The day she went against her logic and threw doubt on the prosecution’s case, painting herself as the killer. The day she talked to her heart after silencing it for so many years.
Reality is what it was.
Another time another universe.

I knew the truth. It wasn’t any of the words he blabbered. I knew it. I saw it. yet I also knew the comfort of a lie. He looked at me. his eyes pleading, begging me to back him up. It was wrong, wrong,wrong. Yet my heart..I took the blame
anything not to see him hurt..anything not to see him humiliated..anything not to see that look in his eyes ever again..

Dr Gregory House

The day he sat infront of his only friend. The words ran through his head like a whisper as his fingers slowly worked their way along the worn keys of the piano “ Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday to you!”. The day he confronted his worse fear and his only ally. Lonliness.
Reality is what it was.
Another time another universe.

A familiar ache started up in my chest, the kind that gradually builds to such desperate longing that I can barely breathe from pain. The loneliness I felt at night ate me up..i reached for my only friend at this time, my diary. My fingers clutched the pencil so tight, jotting down whats left on that worn out piece of paper “ Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday to you”.

Phoebe Buffay

The day she found her mother’s soul residing in the cat. The day she tried to convince them that her feelings were real. that her mind was sane..that she’s not giving up on it because they don’t believe. The day she taught them that even if she was wrong, it wouldn’t hurt them to be supportive.
Reality is what it was.
Another time another universe.

I starred at her disbelieving. I couldn’t believe she exploited something personal and used it as a joke. I didn’t tell her because I wanted her to believe me. I didn’t tell her to prove anything. I did it because I wanted her support. I wanted to scream: Even if I am wrong..who cares?who cares? Who cares? my friend

Lorelai Gilmore
The day she swallowed her pride and stripped off her dignity. The day she went to her parents for money after years of estrangement. The day she built her career starting from scratch and reached the highest steps of success and accomplishment. The day she chose to break away from the stereotypical ideals of her parent’s upper-class society.
Reality is what it was.
Another time another universe.

I defined my freedom by the smallest choices a person could make. Choices insignificant to some that the lack of them might seem strange.. I chose not to go to a wedding. I chose not to participate in family discussions. I chose not to study finance. I chose. I chose. I chose. It was me who decided. Its significant. Independence here is not independence there. Still it was what I considered a step toward personal freedom in such a place.

They say they’re not educational. They say they’re not influential. They say they’re a waste of time. I say. They’re the most accurate portrayal of real life. The one I know of, the one I don’t and the one I never will. I say star hollows is my town, apartment 20 is my home and the squints are my intellectual colleagues. Everything I lack, everything I want, and everything I am.


"i say star hollows is my town, apartment 20 is my home and the squints are my intellectual colleagues." i love this !!
the whole entry is beautifully written.
To be honest, i love watching series for the same reason. Like seinfield mathalan ( lol i know 7shartch seinfield o seinfield =p) i just LOVE how they're carefree o real around each other. Y3ni if they were living in our life, george ma baykoon 3ndh friends a9lan lol i love how they look beyond 3yoob their friends

house, sigh
update !!

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