Monday, February 08, 2010

Never-ending distractions. Losing myself in lyrics, and being tucked away underneath; in fictional towns, in pages, in snippets of somebody else’s stories, virtual realities, daydreams, tasks, lullabies, games. Its somewhere outside, and not inside that labyrinth that is my head. I can’t bear reality anymore.“ My reality”. Delusional? I may be. But it hurts less when “I” no longer exist in the equation.
Because there’s no me in those virtual and fictional worlds of others; they’re not mine, and feelings die down. They might exist somewhere,someplace, in a tucked away corner, or another alternate universe perhaps. They might. But not here, not now. Not me.
Otherwise it just hurts. It hurts to think, it hurts to feel. It hurts. So.damn.much.


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