Friday, February 12, 2010

Everyone wondered, why she stacked her walls with those jars. Everywhere, cramped in corners, one over the other; placed so neatly and carefully, as if their well-being was the ultimate priority. Bottom upon lid, and lid upon bottom. But they were empty, and that void inside sparkled as it reflected the billion other voids nearby. Why was she savoring that emptiness? Had she embraced that reality yet, and surrounded her self with it? or had she been consumed by that insanity everyone feared? Only she knew , the untold stories and moments, trapped inside those jars.


Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

I love the image this paints in my head.

Thank you,

Thank you so much for your wonderful comment, my lovely :) It made my day, it truly did.

And you're one to talk - you're an amazing writer! It's all so inspiring yet so sweetly concise, I adore it! <3

xxxx have a lovely day, sweetie!


Thank You Sarah <3 Hope you have a wonderful day too :)

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