Saturday, June 13, 2009

The apartment

Walls of black and Red, she would paint them herself. She will choose black because she knew, they thought of it as the color of evil spirits and jinn. But their reasons, were as empty as dusted wells, merely shallow justifications they made to oppose change. They weren’t aware that their hypocrisies lied in their reasoning..Black, is the color of devil, they couldn’t surround themselves with it and yet, yet they wore it proudly, and simply threw the card of “culture” in her face again. The evil spirits suddenly weren’t heard of, for culture was immune. Her walls, were to be black, black as the midnight sky she savored, black as the ink they enjoy to spill.
The window was to be massive, one that could make her touch the peaks underneath, one that would bring in life right to where she stands. One that would make her believe, there’s definitely something higher.
The bookshelves would be stacked with titles, with places her heart knew of but not her eyes, with characters her mind summoned into existence whenever and wherever. With moons and fairies, with churches and fields, with all the alternatives that she drew upon herself once upon a time when she heard “ You can’t”.
The red wall, was to be filled with imprints, of those who once brought her joy, of those who believed she could be, despite everything,

It would’ve been such a beautiful haven. If she hadn’t heard them shatter her being so loudly.


I can relate to this. Your mind is your own, you can create and recreate your world. I love your posts

Thank you :)

... reading this post again

i miss you a lot

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