Tuesday, April 06, 2010

"But then, I'll remember the courage of a child who knows he can't fly. But never stops trying.” Thorsten Kaye

As I look at you, nestled on that couch, trying to show me how the stripes in your school uniform can actually dance if they’re pulled apart. I wonder.
Who will you be in the future? An astronaut, tearing that universe wide open? A vet ,delving deeper in those miraculous anatomies that had always fascinated you? A pilot? An artist? A president? That imagination of yours; that limitless field of creation; where would it go? Would you be that Superhero you’ve always idolized? Its not so hard to envision that,; for you had rescued before. You’ve healed with that magical laughter of yours, and you’ve certainly mended many broken hearts with your out-of-this-world stories.
But then when I asked you, “ What would you like to be, when you’re all grown up?” and you answered with a fierce determination, “ I’d be the largest sticker in the world”, I knew, that no matter who you become, or what tomorrow brings; it’ll all be Extraordinary, because of you. You wont be the author, you’d be the book. Not the violinist, but the music. Not the historian, but the history. You’d be the world’s biggest muse.


OMG!!! I lOve LOve Love!!!
this is one of my fav posts!!!
Loooooovvvvvviiiinnnn' it!!!!!!


Wonderfully written. And a great pic to go with it. Gave me happy feelings ;)

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