Sunday, February 28, 2010

It was right in front of "borders", on that tilted sidewalk at the heart of Singapore. Orchard Road, thats what they called it,We stood there sipping our iced-coffee, tucking the books we bought underneath our arms. And we planned, and we planned, and we planned. You bought stacks of cooking books, foreign languages, a mixture of exotic cuisines, Its funny how permanent that image became now, i can almost see those colored spines you were holding, in their right order, orange, teal, brown.and that creased piece of paper in the middle.
“ you don’t cook” I had said.
“ I can imagine I do,”
Like you imagined piloting those planes in the airport instead of merely stamping passports; like you imagined painting that old house by the corner of the street on a room-wide canvas instead of doodling in a blue-lined notebook; like you imagined circling the Olympics stadium instead of trudging on that treadmill.
Yeah, you mastered that; the art of always being in two places at once, doing what you weren’t destined to do, and skillfully too. And you’d always say “ Just because”
I miss that, the just because.
And I miss you, terribly.


A short piece, but really had me engrossed. Vivid, really like it.

Oh..and I dunno if you do tags, but you been tagged girl ;)

beautiful as always my friend =)

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