Thursday, May 21, 2009

The world in her hands was fragile. Its lines, became dots, its shell became water. In her hand it melted, in her hands it ceased to exist. She remembers it once, when it was whole..when her finger traced its bold borders, when her eyes saw it all.
But now, all she sees is them, when she blinks, its them, and when she breathes, its them. She chases a dream, a beautiful that speaks when her words run out, one that listens when her pained heart weeps, one that she could taste in the salt of her’s always there, and they’re always every trip her when she’s close, to mock her when she falls, to block her when she gets up again..they’re always there, waiting, to mend her scraped knee, to kiss the pain away, only to bruise the other.
But amidst all that, they never saw..when the dream became her and she became it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

You gripped the water hose with your little hand. “ It’s raining, It’s raining all over you, all over us, It’s raining!”. You laughed, that joyous contagious laugh, as you showered our world with million little rainbows. You kept circling on yourself, sprinkling the raindrops all around you, until you got dizzy and fell over, laughing hysterically. Your giggles were like a song, snatched from a long forgotten memory, making you look surreal, almost unreal. Like a faded photograph tinted with nostalgia.

You stuffed your mouth with countless pieces of gum, trying to blow the largest strawberry bubble ever made. You promised that it’s going to be larger than the globe itself. Every detail of your face spoke of mischief, you’re eyes twinkled with that new found pleasure. Your grin grew wider and wider as you dissolved into laughter, spitting a huge pink blob onto my face.

You counted the billboards, one after another. One, two,three,four, ninety six, one hundred. You stuck your face to the window, claiming the race between you and them. and then you opened the window, the cold breeze brushing through your hair,as you made the whole world listen to you. One hundred and twenty one, one hundred twenty two..

Ten years,
And you taught me how to live.

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